Kevin McDevitt

Pen Name:



Articles, Biography, Historical, Paranormal

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A lifelong admirer of all things “old west” and being a former New Mexico lawman himself, it seems only natural to write on the subject. Hailing from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and spending time in Texas and Colorado, Kevin developed a deep love of the Southwest, its people, culture, and history. After receiving a copy of Haunted Highways (by Ralph Looney) from his uncle when he was young man, Kevin spent the next two years traveling all over New Mexico exploring these ghost towns every chance he had. It had a profound effect on his life. After an early retirement, Kevin could finally pursue his passion of writing about the Southwest. “If I could be anywhere it would be in an old library surrounded by old books doing research on a project or out in the field exploring some old town or place.” ~ Kevin

His first book, History of the St. James, Cimarron, New Mexico, is historical nonfiction.


Title: History of the St. James Hotel, Cimarron, New Mexico
Published: June 2019
Genre: Historical Nonfiction

The History of the St. James Hotel Cimarron, New Mexico is a detailed historical account of this Old West Hotel on the Santa Fe Trail. Twenty-six killings are said to have occurred in the saloon and 17 can be verified in the book. Clay Allison, Bat Masterson, Buffalo Bill Cody, John Chisum, Mace Bowman, Jesse James, Wyatt Earp, all stayed at the St. James Hotel along with many other western notables. A detailed history of the founding family and the original proprietor, Henry Lambert, and his incredible life is also documented. Along with the history of Lambert’s Saloon & Inn and its transformation into the historical St. James Hotel.

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Cimarron Press