Mary Ortner

Pen Name:



Articles, Mystery, Science Fiction, Suspense, Vampire, History (WWII, Revolutionary War), Action/Adventure, Secret Societies, Spies, Nonfiction (Technical Writing)


Other Contact:


I live in a high desert house that I designed near Mountainair, New Mexico. Hiking on my land, work, community service, and pets (ragdoll and husky mix) keep me busy, but I am also seriously committed to being a writer. I completed three novels many years ago and they have always been part of my life; however, my NYC agent’s company closed, and I became too involved in work to continue. This has always bothered me, and I am now excited about trying again. I have worked hard on improving the stories and am now busy networking with other writers, joining organizations, and learning about the contemporary business of publishing. See my website for more information.