SWW Member Pages are a perk of membership in SouthWest Writers (SWW). If you are a current SWW member, you can have your own page on our website that includes your photo, bio, and lists of your published works (such as essays, articles, poetry, short stories, novels, and nonfiction books) with book covers and purchase links. Go to the Author Page Submission Form to be included.
If you are an SWW member but not yet an author, you can still have a page on our website by completing the Non-Author Submission Form.
Below are links to the pages of those members who have chosen to participate on this site. Visit them to discover the awesome people we’re proud to call members of SouthWest Writers. (Not all of SWW’s 400+ members have chosen to have their own page.)
♦ Chris Allen
♦ Tim Amsden
♦ Michael Backus
♦ Joseph Badal
♦ Sarah Baker*
♦ Lynn Barker
♦ Rachel Bate
♦ Steve Bennett
♦ Irene I. Blea
♦ Paul Blumer
♦ Joanne Bodin
♦ Parris Afton Bonds
♦ E. Joe Brown
♦ Gency Brown
♦ O’labumi Brown
♦ Nat Burns
♦ Fil A. Chavez
♦ Linda Davis-Kyle
♦ Dr. Alan E. Diehl
♦ Charlene Bell Dietz
♦ Mary Lou Dobbs
♦ Dita Dow
♦ Marty Eberhardt
♦ Chris Eboch
♦ William Fisher
♦ Marilyn Fuller
♦ Patricia Gable
♦ Cornelia Gamlem
♦ Dale Garratt
♦ Jeanne Lyet Gassman
♦ Barbara J Genovese
♦ Mike Gerrard
♦ Reza Ghadimi
♦ Chuck Greaves
♦ Regina Griego
♦ Linda G. Harris
♦ David L. Harrison
♦ Holly Harrison
♦ Joyce Hertzoff
♦ Carl Hitchens
♦ Neal Holtschulte
♦ Sandra Hoover
♦ Larada Horner-Miller
♦ Sue Houser
♦ Helen A. Jack
♦ Jordan Jones
♦ Ted Karpf
♦ Sharon Kayne
♦ George Kent Kedl
♦ Rose Marie Kern
♦ Robert Kidera
♦ Larry Kilham
♦ Mike Kimmel
♦ BR Kingsolver
♦ Barbara Koltuska-Haskin
♦ Ed Lehner
♦ Jacqueline Murray Loring
♦ Gary Lucero
♦ Thena (T.E.) MacArthur
♦ Kevin McDevitt
♦ Steven McFadden
♦ Neill McKee
♦ Sharon Vander Meer
♦ RJ Mirabal
♦ Patricia L. Moorman*
♦ Sam Moorman
♦ Victoria Murata
♦ William Murray
♦ Evelyn Neil
♦ Mary Ortner
♦ Jeff Otis
♦ Nick Pappas
♦ Marie Parks
♦ François-Marie Patorni
♦ Robin Perini*
♦ Keith Pyeatt
♦ Vicky Ramakka*
♦ Gloria Robinson
♦ Elizabeth Rose
♦ Marcia Rosen
♦ Gail Rubin
♦ Lynne Sebastian
♦ JR Seeger
♦ Marie Shadden
♦ Barb Simmons
♦ Anna Sochocky
♦ Elaine Soto
♦ Rob Spiegel
♦ Suzanne Stauffer
♦ AJ Stevens
♦ Jodi Lea Stewart
♦ Lynne Sturtevant
♦ Edith Tarbescu
♦ Lisa C. Taylor
♦ Raymund Tembreull
♦ James Tritten
♦ Jette Tritten
♦ Gina Troisi
♦ Jennifer Trotter
♦ Lawrence Trujillo
♦ Vicki Turpen
♦ Kathy (KL) Wagoner
♦ Patricia Walkow
♦ R. Janet Walraven
♦ Dan Wetmore
♦ Donald Willerton
♦ Linda Wilson
♦ Brenda Wolfenbarger
♦ Patricia Wood
*In Memoriam
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