KiMo Theatre: Fact & Folklore

KiMo Theatre: Fact & Folklore is presented by SouthWest Writers and writer/editor Jacqueline Murray Loring. (Scroll down for a link to Jacqueline’s March 19, 2019 interview with KRQE’s Art Barron.)

This book is a collection of newly-told stories, articles, memoirs, insights, opinions, never-before-heard remembrances, and researched facts about the KiMo Theatre as a performing arts theatre and a movie palace.

The collection was written by people who have developed and nurtured a loving, respectful relationship with the theatre. Past employees, elected officials, performers, and audience members share remembrances of the Bachechi family, the theatre’s construction in 1927, the 1977 vote by Albuquerque citizens to buy and preserve the building, the theatre’s closings for renovations, its murals, art, and (disputed) paranormal activity. Many of the writers and photographers are members of SouthWest Writers.

These stories are passed-down family folklore and anecdotes that reflect the rich, flamboyant, and diverse cultural life inside the theatre, and the impact the KiMo has had on the lives of the people who have supported it for ninety years.

“The KiMo Theatre is more than a concrete building, more than a performing arts center, and more than a meeting place for friends. The KiMo Theatre is a symbol of the endurance of a dream. It is a living, breathing, growing part of Albuquerque, fully the sum of its historical, cultural, spiritual, artistic, and community parts.” ~ Jacqueline Murray Loring, April 2018

Buy a Copy

The e-book and paperback editions of KiMo Threatre are available on Amazon. Revenue from the sale of the book will be used to pay for organizational programs such as high quality speakers and presenters at the meetings, classes, and workshops.

KiMo Theatre: Fact & Folklore contents:
Section One: The History of the KiMo Theatre from 1927-2017
Section Two: The Personal Impact of the Theatre
Section Three: The Tour of the KiMo Theatre

Book Launch

The book launch for KiMo Theatre: Fact & Folklore occurred on May 8, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the KiMo Theatre. Go to the Book Launch page for more information.

KRQE Fox New Mexico Interview
with Jacqueline Murray Loring:

Book celebrates KiMo Theatre, includes fascinating facts and insights

Click here to watch KRQE’s Art Barron interview Jacqueline Murray Loring on March 19, 2019.

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