Helen A. Jack

Pen Name:



♦ Articles, Flash Fiction, Novels, Short Stories
♦ Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Suspense, Thriller

Social Media:

Twitter/X: @HelenAJackBooks


Helen A. Jack is a lifelong writer and staunch devotee of the written word. She writes in multiple genres, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more, and has a few works in progress, including urban fantasy novel Lohiri and the Iron Sun and a grimdark fantasy trilogy, The Thorn King.

Helen writes novels as well as short stories, flash fiction, and articles. She is currently a copywriter for a digital marketing firm that specializes in home improvement and renovation.

When not writing, Helen enjoys traveling and spending time with her husband and three young sons, braving the terrifying yet exhilarating frontier of family life.

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