Marilyn Fuller

Pen Name:



Articles, Humor, Inspirational, Memoir, Paranormal, Poetry, Self Help, Short Stories, Joyful Survival, Relationships, Self-Awareness, and Spiritual


Social Media:


Other Contact Information: or Skype 1+(505) 289-2395


Marilyn earned her nickname Tough Cookie (no crumbling allowed) because the trauma that began in childhood prepared her for a worthy mission. At age eight, she began using writing to heal and continued that practice all her life. Decades later, after surviving more betrayal and heartbreak, she was diagnosed with CPTSD (Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Since 2022, Marilyn has published stories on her website,, about her Life With Hayes, Relationships, Parenting, Daily Survival, Street-Smart and Spiritual Awareness, Problem Solving, Wellness, and the Paranormal.

Marilyn wanted to be an attorney, but destiny had a slightly different plan. Hayes, her only child, was born with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a chronic and progressive physical disability and incurable disease. Another word for an attorney is an advocate, and Marilyn worked for the three largest advocacy organizations in New Mexico. She was employed by Parents Reaching Out, The Arc of New Mexico, and the University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. Marilyn and Hayes appeared on the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon for many years to raise money to find a cure for all neuromuscular diseases.

She is a huge fan of Irish wisdom and prose, so her storytelling often includes passages of sass and fun memories. If you need respite from the news and something to ponder about, check out

More from Marilyn

My blog showcases my current selections of stories, articles, and poetry, with more in the works. Always believing in the dream, I paid to reserve my domain name for 14 years before publishing my first blog post. I taught myself how to build a website, edit photos, and create graphic designs. I like blogging because it combines stories with images. By the end of 2025, I plan to self-publish Promises To Myself and The Recovering People Pleaser Program.

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